Arizona Avenue to McQueen Road
Chandler, Arizona
CEI provided preconstruction services, construction management, construction administration and inspection, UPRR coordination, QA and IA compliance testing, federal funding compliance, construction contract closeout, and public outreach services for this project. It involved widening of Chandler Heights Road from 1/4 mile west of Arizona Avenue to McQueen Road, as well as widening of the southbound lanes on Arizona Avenue south of Chandler Heights Road.
Chandler Heights Road was expanded from a two-lane road to a four-lane road, with two lanes in each direction. Improvements added turn lanes, bike lanes, raised medians, new traffic signals and lighting, sidewalks and curb gutters.
This one-mile expansion project was federally funded and cost $7.3 million, of which $5.3 million came from the Surface Transportation Program-Arizona.